Teaching and Mentoring

University of Zurich, 2022-present

Course Instructor: Populism and Electoral Protest (B.A. course), Political Representation in Comparative Perspective (M.A. course).

University of Bergen, 2019-2022

Guest Lecturer: Field Research Methods, Qualitative interviews (M.A. seminars).

Thesis Supervisor: 15 B.A. theses, 2 M.A. theses

UNC Chapel Hill, 2013—2018

Carolina Firsts Advocate, mentorship program for first generation college students

Teaching Assistant, International Relations and World Politics (2 semesters). Intro. to Comparative Politics (2 semesters), Intro. To American Government (1 semester)

University of Sarajevo, 2008—2010

Academic Tutor for European Regional Master in Democracy and Human Rights (12-month M.A. program)